Reset a Password

<p><strong>Reset passwords of accounts that have not disabled the root or administer account.</strong></p> <p>If you didn&rsquo;t disable the root or administer account when creating ECS instances, you can reset the password as described in this article.</p> <p><strong>Prerequisites</strong></p> <p>For ECS instances that have been shut down, are running or being restarted, passwords cannot be reset.</p> <p><strong>Procedures</strong></p> <p>1.Log in to the <a href="#" target="_blank">ECS Console</a>.</p> <p>2.In the left navigation pane, click <strong>Instance</strong> to enter the <strong>Instance Management </strong>page.</p> <p>3.Select the target region, and in the operations column of the target instance click <strong>More</strong> &gt; <strong>System Configuration</strong> &gt; <strong>Reset Password</strong>.</p> <p>4.In the <strong>Rest Password</strong> dialog box that opens, enter the newly set password.</p> <p>5.Click <strong>Confirm.</strong></p> <p><strong>Note:</strong></p> <ul> <li>The custom password must contain 8 to 16 characters, containing at least three types of the following: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, exclamation points (!), at signs (@), number signs (#), dollar signs ($), percents (%), carets (^), and ampersands (&amp;).</li> <li>For Windows system, you are resetting the administer account password. For Linux system, you are resetting the root account password.</li> <li>Users can reset a password by running a command in the Operating System. Please remember the reset password.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Reset passwords for accounts that have disabled root or administer account.</strong></p> <p>If you disabled the root or administer account when creating ECS instances, you can reset the password as described in this article.</p> <p><strong>Procedures</strong></p> <p>1.Log in to the <a href="#" target="_blank">ECS Console</a>.</p> <p>2.In the left navigation pane, click <strong>Instance</strong> to enter the <strong>Instance Management </strong>page.</p> <p>3.Select the target region, and in the operation columns of the target instance click <strong>More</strong> &gt; <strong>System Configuration</strong> &gt; <strong>Reset Password</strong>.</p> <p>4.In the <strong>Reset Password </strong>dialog box that opens, select custom account or root/administer account, and then enter your new password.</p> <p>5.Click <strong>Confirm.</strong></p> <p><strong>Note:</strong></p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; After resetting custom account password, you can use the custom account and the reset password to log in to the instance.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When the password for the root or administer account is reset, the root or administer account will be enabled, and you can use custom account, or root or administer account to log in to instances. If you want to reset password again, you will have to reset your root or administer account password. Custom account password reset is not supported by Ping An Cloud.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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