
<p><strong>Tag Overview</strong></p> <p>A tag consists of key and value. It can categorize ECS resource and EBS resource for the purpose of easy search and resource aggregation. Currently an ECS instance and EBS support to bind to, unbind to and search tags. Tags in different region are generic. You can bind cloud resources to tags for categorization and unified management.</p> <p><strong>Usage Guidelines</strong></p> <p>Each tag consists of a pair of key-value. A key can be corresponded to multiple values.</p> <p>Each instance can bind to multiple tags. Key of any tag of an instance must be unique because tags with the same key will be overwritten.</p> <p>Information of tags in each region is inter-flowed. For example, tags created in the East China 1 region can be seen in the South China 1 and North China 1 region.</p> <p>In the process of unbinding tags, if the tag is not bound to resources, it will be automatically deleted.</p>
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