What is DBRS

<p><strong>Overview</strong></p> <p>DBRS (Database Backup &amp; Recovery Service) is a product providing backup services for RDS-PostgreSQL, RDS-MySQL and DDS database instances of Ping An Cloud&rsquo;s database based on the storage snapshot technology. It carries out full data backup for database instances and incremental data backup for database log. It can recover data at any point-in-time in any availability zone for databases according to users&rsquo; business requirements. Meanwhile, it also supports the building of secondary databases. The remote disaster recovery of business data can be achieved by creating a real-time instance in a remote availability zone.</p> <p><strong>Common Operations</strong></p> <p>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Regular data backup</p> <p>Users can set a backup strategy for each database. DBRS will carry out periodic full data backup and incremental data backup of log files for the database, according to the backup strategy set by the users.</p> <p>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Temporary database backup</p> <p>Users can initiate a temporary full data backup for a specified database as needed to generate full backup data temporarily.</p> <p>3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Data recovery</p> <p>Users can recover data at any point-in-time in any availability zone for a database. The recovered data will be transmitted to a cluster run by the database host, and will create a new instance for the database to mount and start the instance.</p> <p>4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Adjustment of database backup strategies</p> <p>Users can modify database backup strategies at any time based on requirements, and the system will backup data and log for the database according to the new backup strategy.</p> <p>5.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Backup detail query</p> <p>Users can enter the management page of DBRS to query the backup information of database, including backup strategies, stored backup data and stored database log files etc..</p> <p>6.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Deletion of backup data</p> <p>a)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Automatic deletion: Stored backup data will be stored according to the set retention period, after which the data will be deleted automatically.</p> <p>b)&nbsp; Manual deletion: Users can delete single backup data manually, and the deleted backup data will be permanently removed.</p> <p><strong>Relevant Services</strong></p> <p>When using DBRS service, you need to create and enable the following databases instances:</p> <p>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For more details of RDS-PostgreSQL, please refer to the documentation https://pingancloud.com/ssr/products/RDS</p> <p>2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For more details of RDS-MySQL, please refer to the documentation https://pingancloud.com/ssr/products/MySQL</p> <p>3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For more details of DDS, please refer to the documentation https://pingancloud.com/ssr/products/MongoDB</p> <p><strong>Billing</strong></p> <p>DBRS applies pay-as-you-go billing method:</p> <p>DBRS will calculate the volume of data and log that have been backed up, and users will be charged according to the actual volume used. You can view the volume used on the Data Backup page and Log Backup page through the DBRS Console.</p> <p>DBRS system will calculate the successfully backed-up data volume at present by hour and then charge fees. You can view your real-time bill on Bill Management page.</p>
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