• Advantages
  • Typical Business Scenarios
  • Solution Architecture
  • Success Stories


  • Financial Accreditation
    Streamline Internet finance with PingAn Technology’s accreditation in wide range of financial licenses.
  • Professional Risk Management System
    Provide an integrated risk and operation monitoring platform focusing in information security, asset quality assurance, financial liquidity, compliance and branding.
  • Internet Finance Security Compliance
    Ping An Technology complies with the industrial regulations and supervision requirements from the People’s Bank of China, China Banking Regulatory Commission, and China Securities Regulatory Commission. It is accredited by eight domestic and overseas authorities, and its financial cloud is the first being certified by ISO 27018.
  • Stable and Reliable
    Guarantee by clients from the worldwide top 50 companies with years of experience in financial information technology.

Typical Business Scenarios


This system is applicable in elevating Internet finance brand exposure, operations and sale, attracting mobile-based and assisting user migration. It conducts customer sourcing through distribution platforms by digital service providers, mobile content distribution platforms and messaging and customer service platforms.

This system serves the following purposes

Increase registered users, user activity and perform tag-based targeted marketing for Internet finance companies using financial big data and analytic model.

Leverage on PingAn’s resources in targeting existing users, content delivery and efficient transformation.

Solution Architecture

Solution Overview

  • Aim to provide a one-stop online financial service solution to assist clients in sourcing customers and improving the foundations in their Internet finance platform regarding sales, customers service, product management, payment system and risk control.

Architecture Advantages

  • Supports customization and swift adaptation in cloud services which suit dynamic scenarios in Internet finance.
  • Optimizes risk management system in financial institutions by analyzing risk patterns through applying smart authentication and big data analysis.
  • Ensures system security and stability by using an opened distributed internet architecture, validated by the extended usage of 20 companies under PingAn Group.

Success Stories

  • Snowball Finance Inc

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