Image Overview

<p>Ping An Cloud provides three types of images: standard images, custom images, and shared images.</p> <p><strong>Standard Images</strong></p> <p>A standard image is the system-defined image that is available for all Ping An Cloud users. Apart from necessary system software, it does not have other applications. Ping An Cloud standard images cover most mainstream operating systems such as CentOS, Windows Server, and Ubuntu.</p> <p><strong>Custom Images</strong></p> <p>A custom image can only be used by its creator. It is an operating system template created from an existing ECS instance. Options including Linux and Windows images. After you install the custom software and modify the configuration files on an existing instance, you can create a custom image from it. The custom image can be used to create ECS instances next time without the need to reinstall software and modify configuration files.</p> <p><strong>Shared Images</strong></p> <p>A shared image can be used to deploy cross-tenant ECS instances. After you create a custom image, you can share it with other tenants. Those who share the image can use it to quickly create ECS instances operating in the same image environment. If you no longer need to share the image with other tenants, you can cancel the sharing. For more information about shared images, see shared image operation document.</p>
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