Overview of cloudNAS

<p>Cloud Network Attached Storage (CloudNAS) provides users with a fully managed shared file storage service. CloudNAS supports standard file protocols NFS and CIFS. It can be used with compute nodes such as ECS instances and containers to share data access among multiple compute nodes.</p> <p>CloudNAS is a distributed file system with elastic scalability, high availability, and high reliability. It can be widely used in reads and writes of shared data, big data analysis, media processing, content management, web services, data backup for disaster recovery, and other scenarios.</p> <p>CloudNAS supports operation via the web console and is easy to use. You can use this service without the need to modify or configure your applications. After creating a CloudNAS file system and mounting it to the operating system of an authorized ECS instance, you can access the file system from one or multiple clients.</p>
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