Usage Map

<p>This article describes how to create an RDS MySQL instance and connect it with a general RDS MySQL client.</p> <p>For the purpose of security, Ping An Cloud currently does not support the connection to an RDS MySQL instance via the Internet. It requires to create an ECS, install an RDS MySQL client on ECS and access RDS MySQL instances via RDS MySQL client. The following figure describes the specific process:</p> <p><img src="" style="height:392px; width:298px" /></p> <ol> <li><strong>Create an RDS MySQL instance</strong>&mdash;You can create an RDS MySQL instance in any region to meet the business demand.</li> <li><strong>Create an account</strong>&mdash;The system will not create an account when you create an RDS MySQL instance. You need to create an account manually.</li> <li><strong>Create database</strong>&mdash;Create MySQL database.</li> <li><strong>Bind User to Database</strong></li> <li><strong>Create an ECS</strong>&mdash;Create an ECS in the same region as the RDS MySQL instance.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>Open a whitelist</strong>&mdash;Access to an RDS MySQL instance by any network segment by default is not allowed. You need to open a whitelist for the RDS MySQL instance to allow an ECS to access the RDS MySQL instance.</li> <li><strong>Access an RDS MySQL instance</strong>&mdash;Log in to the ECS based on the Internet IP of ECS and install RDS MySQL client on the ECS. You can access the RDS MySQL instance using domain name, port, username, and password set for a user.</li> </ol>
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