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<p>This part describes how to create a DDS instance quickly and connect the DDS instance through general MongoDB client.</p> <p>For security purposes, Ping An Cloud does not support direct connection to DDS instance from public Internet. ECS shall be created at first and DDS client shall be installed on ECS. The DDS instance can be accessed through DDS client. For specified procedures, see the table hereinafter:</p> <p><img src="" style="height:460px; width:340px" /></p> <ol> <li><strong>Create a DDS instance:</strong> DDS instance can be created in the random region according to business requirements.</li> <li><strong>Create a user:</strong> The system will not create a user when a DDS instance is created. You shall manually create a user.</li> <li><strong>Create a database:</strong> Create a DDS database.</li> <li><strong>Bind user to database.</strong></li> <li><strong>Create ECS:</strong> Create an ECS instance in the&nbsp;the same region as the DDS instance.&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>Create a whitelist:</strong> By default, DDS instances are inaccessible to any network segment. You shall enable a whitelist in the DDS instance and allow ECS to access DDS instance.</li> <li><strong>Access a DDS instance:</strong> &nbsp;Log in to the ECS instance, and install the DDS client on the ECS instance.&nbsp;DDS instances can be accessed through domain name, port number, username, authentication database, and password when a username is created.</li> </ol>
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