
<p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Multidimensional Security Management:</strong> Uses functions such as access control policy, firewall protection, and white list setting to control all access sources and provide secure data protection.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>High-Availability Architecture:</strong> Provides the optimized deployment policy for data nodes of the replica set. While guaranteeing the number of nodes in primary availability zone, the system guarantees service availability and security by deploying multiple data centers.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>High Reliability Best Practices:</strong> Cross-host deployment, multi-data center architecture, and multi-backup protection mechanism of Ping An Cloud guarantee the business availability and meet the O&amp;M requirements of the financial system.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>High-Performance Data Processing: </strong>Relying on Ping An&#39;s years of management experience and production practices in regards to financial systems, it provides DDS with the optimal performance parameter configurations.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Simple Operation with the Console:</strong> Users can use the console to perform management operations such as addition, deletion, restart, backup, and expansion of the DDS replica set; the console also provides multi-dimensional performance monitoring data for user analysis.</p>
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