
<p class="shortdesc"></p> <p class="p">EBS supports pay-per-use and yearly and monthly subscription billing modes, satisfying uses’ demands in different scenarios. </p> <ul class="ul" id="overview__ul_hlr_s5c_rlb"> <li class="li">The billing method of the EBS disks created along with ECS instances remains the same as that of the ECS instances. For example, if the ECS instances created are paid by month, then the EBS disks created at the same time are also paid by month. If the ECS instances created adopt the pay-per-use billing method, then the EBS disks created at the same time also adopt the pay-per-use billing method.</li> <li class="li">EBS disks created separately adopt the pay-per-use billing mode. It is recommended that the purchase cycle of the EBS disks should be consistent with that of the ECS instances to be mounted. </li> </ul> <div class="note note note_note"><span class="note__title">Note:</span> The snapshot function is now for free.</div>
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