Edit a Listener

<p>This article describes how to edit the listener configuration after creation.</p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Prerequisites</span></strong></p> <p>You have successfully created a listener.</p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Limitations</span></strong></p> <p>Currently, only some of the listener configuration options can be edited. The frontend protocol, backend protocol, and port number cannot be edited. The editable configuration items vary according to the instance type and listener protocol.</p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Procedures</span></strong></p> <p>1.&nbsp;Log in to the <a href="https://pinganyun.com/console/loadBalance/overview" target="_blank">ELB Console</a>.</p> <p>2.&nbsp;For an external and internal ELB instance, in the left navigation pane, click <strong>Instance Management</strong> to enter the <strong>Instance Management</strong> page. For a classic ELB instance, in the left navigation pane, click <strong>Instance Management (Classic)</strong> to enter the <strong>Instance Management (Classic)</strong> page.</p> <p>3.&nbsp;Select the target region to view the existing ELB instance of that region.</p> <p>4.&nbsp;Click the <strong>Instance Name</strong> of the target instance and enter the <strong>Instance Information</strong> page.</p> <p>5.&nbsp;Click the <strong>Listener</strong> tab.</p> <p>6.&nbsp;Click <strong>Edit</strong> in the<strong> Operation</strong> column of the target Listener.</p> <p><img src="https://obs-cn-shanghai.yun.pingan.com/pcp-portal/20201607141202-1bd5548d9e69.png" style="height:340px; width:1090px" /></p> <p>7. In the <strong>Edit Listener</strong> dialog box, edit <strong>Basic Information</strong> and <strong>Advanced Configuration</strong> information as needed. For external and internal ELB instances, click <strong>Next</strong> to edit the health check information.</p> <p><img src="https://obs-cn-shanghai.yun.pingan.com/pcp-portal/20201607141304-141aec019cbf.png" style="height:21px; margin:1px; width:50px" /><strong>:</strong> For more information about the parameters configuration, see Create a Listener.</p> <p><img src="https://obs-cn-shanghai.yun.pingan.com/pcp-portal/20201607141244-155ab5d69c4e.png" style="height:566px; width:761px" /></p> <p>8.&nbsp;Click <strong>Confirm</strong>, and you will see an <strong>Operation succeeded</strong> message at the bottom of the page.</p>
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