External ELB Billing and Settlement Logic

<p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Subscription</span></strong></p> <p>Subscription is paid on a monthly basis of Internet bandwidth. On the 1st day of each month, the monthly fee will be deducted according to the bandwidth specifications and a bill will be generated.</p> <p>To view the bill, operate as follows:</p> <p>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Log in to the <a href="https://pinganyun.com/console/loadBalance/overview" target="_blank">ELB Console</a>.</p> <p>2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In the top menu pane, click <strong>Fees</strong> to enter the <strong>Account Overview</strong> page.</p> <p>3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In the left navigation pane, click <strong>Bill Management</strong> to enter the <strong>Bill Management</strong> page.</p> <p>4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Click the time drop-down list, select the month you want to view, then you can view the billing information of that month.</p> <p><strong>Upgrade and Downgrade Configuration</strong></p> <p>You can upgrade or downgrade the bandwidth configuration on any day of a billing cycle. The system will automatically make up or refund the purchase price difference for the remaining period in a lump sum according to the adjusted specifications. The bandwidth configuration supports integers of 1-500 Mbps.</p> <p><strong>Upgrade Configuration Case</strong></p> <p>Customer A purchased the External ELB instance under subscription method for 10 months (from March to December), with a bandwidth of 10 Mbps. On the day before the Double Eleven promotion, which is November 10th, the bandwidth will be increased to 100Mbps, how much price difference does the system need to deduct in a lump sum?</p> <p>Spread=(new monthly price-previous monthly price)&times;remaining period</p> <p>New monthly price=18&times;100=1800 RMB</p> <p>Previous monthly price=18&times;10=180 RMB</p> <p>The remaining periods are November and December.</p> <p>Spread=(1800-180)&times;2=3240 RMB</p> <p><strong>Downgrade Configuration Case</strong></p> <p>The above-mentioned customer A reduced the bandwidth back to 10 Mbps on November 29 after the double eleven promotion activity, how much price difference will the system return in a lump sum?</p> <p>Spread=(previous monthly price-new monthly price)&times;remaining period</p> <p>Previous monthly price=18&times;100=1800 RMB</p> <p>New monthly price=18&times;10=180 RMB</p> <p>The remaining period is December</p> <p>Spread=(1800-180)&times;1=1620 RMB</p> <p><strong>Release an Instance</strong></p> <p>You can release the unexpired prepaid instances, and the paid amount will not be refunded. Perform this task with caution.</p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">P</span><span style="font-size:18px">ay-As-You-Go</span></strong></p> <p>For an ELB instance that pays by bandwidth, you can upgrade or downgrade the bandwidth configuration. The adjustable range is 1-500 Mbps. After you change the bandwidth, the system will automatically settle the fee based on the adjusted bandwidth (RMB/Mbps/hour).</p> <p>For ELB instances that pay by usage traffic, the default is to configure a bandwidth of 500 Mbps according to the upper limit of bandwidth. You can manually adjust the bandwidth range to 1-500 Mbps and settle the fee by flow (RMB/GB).</p> <p><strong>Case</strong></p> <p>Customer A uses pay-as-you-go - by bandwidth to purchase an External ELB instance. The bandwidth is 50 Mbps, and the unit price is 1.25 RMB/hour. After that, Customer A adjusted the bandwidth to 100 Mbps due to business needs, and the system took effect immediately. It will automatically charge 2.5 RMB/hour from 0:00 the next day.</p> <p><strong>Stop an Instance</strong></p> <p>&bull; Instances that pay by hours will trigger deductions when stopped to ensure the accuracy of the bill. No charge after the instance is stopped.</p> <p>&bull; The deductions for pay-as-you-go instances are made every day, and triggered when the instance stops (the deducted period is from the end of the previous deduction to the stop time.) There is no charge after the instance is stopped.</p> <p><strong>Release an Instance</strong></p> <p>&bull; When releasing an hourly paid instance, the instance status will be checked. If the instance has been stopped, it will be deleted without triggering fee deduction. For the running instance, the deduction will be triggered when you release the instance.</p> <p>&bull; When releasing a pay-as-you-go instance, there will be no fee deduction for stopped instance, and for running instance, the unpaid traffic will be counted for deduction.</p>
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