
<p>Currently, only one VPC is supported per region. To create more VPC resources, submit a ticket for application.</p> <p>&bull;You can create up to one SF , one DMZ, and one PTR for ECS instances in one VPC.</p> <p>&bull; You can create up to one SF and one DMZ for BMS products in one VPC.</p> <p>&bull; You can create only one DMZ in a VPC. The DMZ can be used only for ECS or BMS products. The ECS products and BMS products cannot use the same DMZ.</p> <p>&bull; Only cloud hosts in the DMZ can be connected to the Internet.</p> <p>&bull; A network domain must include a minimum&nbsp;of one subnet. When creating a network domain, you must create a subnet. You can add cloud host resources only to the subnet.</p>
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