Delete a VPC

<p>This article describes how to delete a VPC.</p> <p><strong>Prerequisites</strong></p> <p>&bull;&nbsp; &nbsp;Make sure the VPC to be deleted is no longer needed.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All networks under the VPC have been deleted. For how to delete networks, see Delete a Network Domain.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Before you delete a VPC, first delete all its resources, including security groups, ELB, VPN gateway, NAT gateway, IGW gateway, and Express Connects. For how to delete these resources, see the documentation of each product.</p> <p><strong>Procedure</strong></p> <p>1. Log in to the <a href="" target="_blank">VPC Console</a>.</p> <p>2. Click <strong>VPC</strong> in the left navigation tree to enter the <strong>VPC</strong> page.</p> <p>3. Select the target region, and you can view VPCs in the region.</p> <p>4. Click <strong>Delete</strong> in the operation column of the target VPC.</p> <p><img src="" style="height:148px; width:830px" /></p> <p>5.&nbsp;In the dialogue box that opens, click <strong>Confirm</strong>.</p> <p>6.&nbsp;&nbsp;In the <strong>Verification Code</strong> dialogue box, enter the verification code that is sent to your phone, and then click<strong> Confirm</strong>.</p> <p>Message <strong>Operation succeeded </strong>is displayed at the bottom of the page.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>
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