Communication FAQs

<p><strong>How do ECS instances communicate with each other in a VPC?</strong></p> <p>By default, ECS instances in the same network domain can communicate with each other.</p> <p>Network domains are isolated from each other. To permit communication between network domains, you must configure security groups and specify subnet addresses in these network domains to permit their outbound traffic.</p> <p><strong>How do VPCs communicate with each other?</strong></p> <p>VPCs are isolated from each other. To permit communications between VPCs, you must configure an express connect between VPCs, and then configure a security group.</p> <p><strong>Why two VPCs cannot communicate after I have created an express connect between them?</strong></p> <p>After an express connect is created between two VPCs, you must configure a security group to enable communication at both ends.</p> <p><strong>How does an ECS instance in a VPC communicate with the Internet?</strong></p> <p>Only ECS instances in the DMZ network domain can communicate with the Internet.</p> <p>Users in the East China region can communicate with the Internet through IGW gateways.</p> <p>Users in other regions can communicate with the Internet through NAT gateways.</p> <p>If ECS instances in the VPC provide services to Internet clients and receive a large amount of traffic, you can configure Internet-facing ELB for traffic distribution. In this case, ECS instances cannot proactively access the Internet.</p> <p><strong>How does a VPC communicate with a local data center?</strong></p> <p>The VPC and the local data center that are owned by the same tenant can be connected through a VPN gateway.</p>
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