Safety Group FAQs

<p><strong>How to configure security group rules for communications between network domains?</strong></p> <p>By default, the inbound traffic between different network domains in a VPC is permitted and the outbound traffic between them is blocked. To enable communication between network domains, you must configure outbound security group rules.</p> <p><strong>How do I configure security group rules for communication between different VPCs?</strong></p> <p>By default, traffic is blocked between different VPCs in both inbound and outbound directions. To enable communication between VPCs, you must configure security group rules to permit traffic in both directions.</p> <p><strong>How do I configure security group rules to permit communication between a VPC and the Internet?</strong></p> <p>By default, the traffic between the VPC and the Internet is blocked in the inbound and outbound directions. To enable communication between them, you must configure the security group rules to permit traffic in both directions.</p> <p><strong>How do I configure security group rules to permit communication between the VPC and local data center of the same tenant?</strong></p> <p>By default, the traffic between the VPC and the local data center of the same tenant is blocked in the inbound and outbound directions. To enable communication between them, you must configure the security group rules to permit traffic in both directions.</p>
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