
<p>A security group is a virtual firewall that controls the inbound and outbound traffic. The security group and the network are bound together to form a logical group. It provides an important security protection policy for ECS instances that have the same security protection requirements and trust each other in the VPC. The binding of security group and network is an important means to ensure isolation and network security.</p> <p><strong>Security Group Rule</strong></p> <p>You can create rules in a security group. Each rule includes attributes including inbound/outbound direction, authorized IP address, port, and protocol. ECS instances added to a security group are protected by the rules of the security group.</p> <p>The default traffic rules of Pin An Cloud are as follows:</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;ECS instances in a network domain can communicate with each other without configuring security groups.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;Traffic of ECS instances in different network domains of a VPC is permitted in the inbound direction but blocked in the outbound direction. To permit outbound traffic from ECS, you must configure security group rules.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;Inbound and outbound traffic between different VPCs, VPC and Internet, VPC and local data center of the same tenant is blocked. To permit inbound and outbound traffic, you must configure security group rules.</p> <p><strong>Limitations</strong></p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;You can create a maximum of 20 security groups in one VPC.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;A maximum of 100 security group rules can be created in one VPC.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;An ECS instance can be bound to a maximum of three security groups.</p>
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