Billing Overview

<p><strong>Description of Charges</strong></p> <p>DBRS postpaid billing system will periodically charge for the volume of data the user stored.</p> <p><strong>Overdue Payments Description </strong></p> <p>When the balance of the user&rsquo;s Ping An cloud account is insufficient, the account is in arrears. The database backup strategies owned by the account will be executed normally within 15 days after the account is overdue, during which the database backup data and database log data will continue to be generated. If the account continues to be outstanding until the 16th day, the system will suspend the database backup and recovery services under the account, and retain the backup data during the 16th to 21st days of the arrears, and the retained data will be counted and billed. On the 21st day of the arrears, the database backup data will be released. In this case, the data cannot be restored and the system will stop charging. You must recharge&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the account and pay up all the overdue payments to restart the database backup strategy.</p>
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