Monitoring Dashboard Overview

<p class="shortdesc">Monitoring dashboard provides you the function of creating custom monitoring dashboard according to your business needs.</p> <p class="p" id="dashboad_overview__p_lqh_smn_xjb">Argus monitoring dashboard can be used for scenarios such as business inspection, providing instant material usage data and related operation and maintenance data, showing the dynamic changes of performance over a past period of time. If your business is relatively complicated, and the default monitoring charts could not meet your demand, you can subscribe key monitoring items for different services or instances according to the actual monitoring demand of your business. You can display key monitoring data collectively, grasp the situation of service operation promptly and comprehensively, and then to carry out operations such as performance turning or troubleshooting.</p> <p class="p" id="dashboad_overview__p_nzs_yxp_1kb">You can create dashboard groups for different business modules in order to display the monitoring dashboards of different businesses. You can create different dashboards under dashboard groups, and create monitoring charts including related resources for each dashboard. </p> <p class="p" id="dashboad_overview__p_pzs_yxp_1kb">Before viewing custom monitoring dashboard, you need to configure the custom monitoring dashboard in the following order:</p> <ol class="ol" id="dashboad_overview__ol_p3l_kbl_3jb"> <li class="li"><a class="xref" href="/ssr/help/manage/argus/cfg.Monitoring_dashboard.create_group" target="_blank">Create a Screen Group</a></li> <li class="li"><a class="xref" href="/ssr/help/manage/argus/cfg.Monitoring_dashboard.create_dashboard" target="_blank">Create a Dashboard</a></li> <li class="li"><a class="xref" href="/ssr/help/manage/argus/cfg.Monitoring_dashboard.add_chart" target="_blank">Add a Monitor Graph</a></li> </ol>
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