Duplicate an Alarm Template

<p class="shortdesc">You can duplicate the existing alarm template.</p> <section><div class="tasklabel"><h2 class="doc-tairway">Procedure</h2></div><ol class="ol steps"><li class="li step stepexpand"> <span class="ph cmd">Log in to the <a class="xref" href="/console/argus/overview" target="_blank">Argus Console</a>.</span> </li><li class="li step stepexpand"> <span class="ph cmd">In the left navigation pane, click <span class="ph uicontrol">Templates</span>.</span> </li><li class="li step stepexpand"> <span class="ph cmd">On the <span class="keyword wintitle">Alarm Template</span> page, click he drop-down button at the rear of the <span class="ph uicontrol">Type</span> to select the product.</span> <div class="itemgroup info"> <img class="image" id="copy_template__d18e51" src="https://obs-cn-shanghai.yun.pingan.com/pcp-portal/20201507091432-1eb49d65960a.png" width="500"> </div> </li><li class="li step stepexpand"> <span class="ph cmd">Find the alarm template to be duplicated, and click <span class="ph uicontrol">Duplicate</span> in the <span class="ph uicontrol">Operations</span> column.</span> </li></ol></section> <section class="section result" id="copy_template__result_wxx_hnz_3jb"><div class="tasklabel"><h2 class="doc-tairway">Results</h2></div> <p class="p">After duplicating, you can see the new template whose name includes the <span class="ph uicontrol"> Original Template Name </span> + <span class="ph uicontrol">copy</span> + <span class="ph uicontrol">Number</span> in the alarm template list.</p> </section>
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