Create a listener

<p>This article describes how to create a listener after creating an ELB instance.</p> <p><span style="font-size:16px"><strong>Prerequisite</strong></span></p> <p>A public network ELB instance has been created.</p> <p><span style="font-size:16px"><strong>Instructions</strong></span></p> <p>You do not need to mount the server resource pool when you create a listener. If you mount a resource pool, you will not be able to associate the listener.</p> <p><span style="font-size:16px"><strong>Procedure</strong></span></p> <p>1. Log in to the<a href="http://This article describes how to create a listener after creating an ELB instance. Prerequisite A public network ELB instance has been created. Instructions You do not need to mount the server resource pool when you create a listener. If you mount a resource pool, you will not be able to associate the listener. Procedure 1. Log in to the ELB Console. 2. Click the Instance Management on the left navigation bar and enter the Instance Management page. 3. Click the instance name of the target ELB instance and enter the Instance Information page. 4. Click the LISTENER tab. 5. Click Create at the upper right corner of the tab and enter the Create Listener page. 6. Perform the basic configuration of the listener. For details, refer to Create a Listener in the ELB Operation Guide. 7. Click Create. Results “Successfully operated ” appears at the bottom of the page and the information of the listener just created can be viewed in the listener list." target="_blank"> ELB Console</a>.</p> <p>2. Click the <strong>Instance Management</strong> on the left navigation bar and enter the <strong>Instance Management</strong> page.</p> <p>3. Click the instance name of the target ELB instance and enter the <strong>Instance Information</strong> page.</p> <p>4. Click the <strong>LISTENER</strong> tab.</p> <p>5. Click <strong>Create</strong> at the upper right corner of the tab and enter the <strong>Create Listener </strong>page.</p> <p>6. Perform the basic configuration of the listener. For details, refer to <strong>Create a Listener</strong> in the ELB Operation Guide.</p> <p>7. Click <strong>Create</strong>.</p> <p><span style="font-size:16px"><strong>Results </strong></span></p> <p>&ldquo;Successfully operated &rdquo; appears at the bottom of the page and the information of the listener just created can be viewed in the listener list.</p>
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