Remove Instance from Auto Scaling Group

<p>This operation is to provide convenience for the manual removal of instances from an auto scaling group. When manually added instances are removed from an auto scaling group, they are still running. Whereas, when automatically added instances are removed from an auto scaling group, they will be stopped automatically. This article describes how to remove instances from an auto scaling group.</p> <p><span style="font-size:16px"><strong>Prerequisite</strong></span></p> <p>Before removing an instance from an auto scaling group, the protected status of the instance needs to be canceled. An instance under protection cannot be removed.</p> <p><span style="font-size:16px"><strong>Procedure</strong></span></p> <p>1. Log in to the <a href="" target="_blank">AS Console</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>2. Click<strong> Auto Scaling Group</strong> and enter the<strong> Auto Scaling List</strong> page, and then click the target region.</p> <p>3. Click the name of the target auto scaling group and enter the <strong>Auto Scaling Detail</strong> page.</p> <p>4. In<strong> </strong>the<strong> Instances List </strong>section, click <strong>Remove from the group </strong>in the<strong> Operations </strong>column of the target instance.</p> <p>5. In the pop-up dialogue box of<strong> Confirm Deletion</strong>, click <strong>Confirm</strong>.</p> <p><span style="font-size:16px"><strong>Result</strong></span></p> <p>&ldquo;<strong>Operation succeeded</strong>&rdquo; will appear on the page, and you cannot view the information of the instance just removed in the <strong>Instances List</strong> section.</p>
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