
<p>The <strong>Overview</strong> page displays available regions for DTS, the number of migration instances in each region, and the numbers of normal and abnormal migration instances.</p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Procedures</span></strong></p> <ol> <li>Log in to the DTS Console.</li> <li>In the left navigation pane, click <strong>Overview</strong>.</li> <li>On the <strong>Overview</strong> page, you can view the numbers of available regions, migration instances, and normal and abnormal migration instances.</li> </ol> <p><img src="https://obs-cn-shanghai.yun.pingan.com/pcp-portal/20200707094116-124fc81c9d9d.png" style="height:193px; width:830px" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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