How to Use

<p>DMS enables you to easily manage various databases without installing clients. You can log in to the database and manage it by using the database domain name and port number.</p> <p>Follow the following procedures to use DMS:</p> <ol> <li>Log in to a database console (for example, the console for the RDS MySQL, RDS PostgreSQL, or DDS database), and create a database instance.</li> <li>Obtain the domain name, port number, database name, database username, and password of the instance.</li> <li>In the DMS console, log in to the database.</li> <li>Manage the database by using the SQL window, SQL statement reuse, command line window, and import and export features.</li> </ol> <p><img src="" style="height:420px; width:480px" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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