Attach Policy to User or Group

<p>To strengthen network security control, you can attach an authorization policy to a user or a group.</p> <p><strong>User Authorization</strong></p> <p>Operation steps: log on to Ping An Cloud Console, select <strong>All Products &rarr; Resource Access Management &rarr; User</strong>, find the user to which you want to attach an authorization policy, click <strong>Authorization</strong> and the Authorization window pops up. Select the appropriate authorization policy name to complete the authorization.</p> <p><strong>Group Authorization</strong></p> <p>Operation steps: log on to Ping An Cloud Console, select <strong>All Products &rarr; Resource Access Management &rarr; Group</strong>, find the group to which you want to attach an authorization policy, click <strong>Authorization</strong> and the Authorization window pops up. Select the appropriate authorization policy name to complete the authorization.</p>
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