Grade 4 security protection

<p><span style="font-family:Microsoft Yahei">Graded information security protection means that the state, by formulating national administrative norms and technical standards for the graded information security protection, organizes citizens, legal persons and other organizations to grade information systems and protect their security, and supervises and administers the graded protection. Graded information security protection system is a basic system of the state in the process of economic development and informatization to improve the ability to guard information security, maintain national security, social stability and public interests and safeguard and enhance the informatization process.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-family:Microsoft Yahei">The core of graded information security protection is to develop, administer and supervise the information security according to the protection grades and standards. The graded information security protection system follows the principles below:</span></p> <p><span style="font-family:Microsoft Yahei">(1) Clear responsibilities and common protection; (2) Self-protection according to standards; (3) simultaneous development and dynamic adjustment; (4) guidance and supervision, and key protection.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-family:Microsoft Yahei"><strong>Grade 4 is the highest certification </strong><strong>grade </strong><strong>of the graded information security protection in China. Ping An Cloud has passed the grade 4 </strong><strong>assessment</strong><strong>, indicating that Ping An Cloud strictly follows the national technical requirements and security management requirements for cloud computing platforms, and meets the highest national information security standards for cloud service providers.</strong></span></p>
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