
<p>DNAT maps the private IP of the cloud server in the VPC to the public IP and allows designated ECS instances to provide services to the Internet or to access the Internet by using designated public IP address.</p> <p>DNAT supports two modes, including IP mapping and port mapping.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;IP mapping maps the private IP to the public IP. IP mapping provides active and passive access ability to the Internet. The access request to the Internet can be initiated from both the ECS in the VPC and the public network client. But you cannot save public IP addresses by using this method.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;Port mapping maps a port of the public IP to the ECS of the intranet and allows the designated port of designated ECS instance to access the Internet through designated public IP and port. It can maximize the usage of a single public IP address. Port mapping connection is initiated by external addresses, and is mainly used for the external release of the intranet service.</p>
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