
<p>This article describes the components and architecture&nbsp;of the NAT gateway.</p> <p>NAT gateway is composed by the following parts:</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;<strong>NAT Gateway Instance:</strong> A NAT gateway instance is a running NAT gateway service that provides NAT service for the ECS in affiliated VPC. NAT rules and bandwidth packages are needed to provide Internet services;</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;<strong>NAT Rule:</strong> A NAT rule is the customized rule of SNAT, and DNAT IP mapping and port mapping rules. All NAT rules can be used independently or in combination according to different business scenarios of customers;</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;<strong>Bandwidth Package and Public IP:</strong> A bandwidth package is the public network bandwidth resources purchased by users. Users can determine the number of public IP addresses sharing the resources. Users can configure one to five public IP addresses for one bandwidth package to satisfy the demand of bandwidth multiplexing.</p> <p>NAT gateway instance, NAT rule, bandwidth package, and public IP are all dispensable. If you want to use NAT gateway service normally, create a NAT gateway instance first, and add a minimum of one bandwidth package and a minimum of one NAT rule.</p> <p><strong>NAT Gateway Architecture</strong></p> <p><img src="" style="height:413px; width:830px" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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