
<p><strong>Domain Name</strong></p> <p>There are countless hosts on the Internet. To identify and distinguish these hosts, each host needs to be distributed with an IP address. To make it easier for people to access the Internet without having to remember the IP address that can be read directly by the machine. Hence, domain name is created. A domain name is the name of a server or a network system on the Internet, and there are no duplicate names in the world. The right to use a domain name for one or several years can be obtained after payment.</p> <p><strong>CNAME Record</strong></p> <p>A CNAME (Canonical Name) record is also an alias record. When the DNS system queries the name on the left side of CNAME, it will go to the name on the right side of CNAME and then query it. It will track the last PTR or A name, and response will be made after successful query, otherwise it will fail.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>CNAME Domain</strong></p> <p>CDN&rsquo;s domain acceleration requires the use of CNAME records. After the CDN console is configured to complete the CDN acceleration, you will get an accelerated domain, called the CNAME domain (the domain name must be * After the user points his domain as CNAME to the domain of *, the name resolution will officially turn to Ping An Cloud CDN. All requests of the domain will be transferred to the node of Ping An Cloud CDN.</p> <p><strong>Domain Name System (DNS)</strong></p> <p>As a service of the Internet, DNS&rsquo;s role is to translate domain names into IP addresses that the network can recognize. Users are used to remembering domain names, but only the IP addresses are recognized between machines. There is a one-to-one correspondence between domain names and IP addresses. The conversion between them is called domain name resolution. Domain name resolution needs to be done by a dedicated domain name resolution server. The whole process is automatic.</p> <p>For example, when you type <em>, </em>it will be automatically translated to</p> <p><strong>Edge Node</strong></p> <p>Edge node, also known as CDN node, Cache node, etc., is a concept to describe the complex structure of the network. It refers to network node with fewer intermediate links from the end access user, and have better response capability and connection speed for the access of end user. Its function is to save the web content and objects with large amount of access on the dedicated Cache device on the front end of the server, so as to improve the speed and quality of website access.</p>
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