
<table class="table" id="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb"><caption></caption><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><thead class="thead"> <tr class="row"> <th class="entry" id="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__1">Name</th> <th class="entry" id="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__2">Description</th> </tr> </thead><tbody class="tbody"> <tr class="row"> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Broker</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Message processing server. A Message Queue Kafka cluster can include one or multiple brokers.</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="row"> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Topic</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Message topic. It is used for message classification. Each message published to the Message Queue Kafka cluster has a topic. Each topic contains one or more partitions that are stored on one or more brokers.</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="row"> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Partition</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Allocation unit in Message Queue Kafka. Data in a topic can be stored in one or multiple partitions.</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="row"> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Producer</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Message producer, also known as the message publisher. Producers generate and send messages to brokers.</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="row"> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Consumer</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__2 "> <p class="p">Message consumer, also known as the message subscriber. Consumers fetch messages from brokers for consumption.</p> </td> </tr> <tr class="row"> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__1 "> <p class="p">Consumer group</p> </td> <td class="entry" headers="kafkaterms__table_ttv_pfx_1mb__entry__2 "> <p class="p">An group of consumers who receive and consume the same type of messages with the same consumption logic. One consumer group can subscribe to multiple topics, and one topic can be subscribed to by multiple consumer groups.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
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