See Overview

<p class="shortdesc">On the Overview page, you can see the task-related statistical information.</p> <section><div class="tasklabel"><h2 class="doc-tairway">Procedure</h2></div><ol class="ol steps"><li class="li step" id="voverview__step_yvh_xxj_mlb"> <span class="ph cmd">Log in to the <a class="xref" href="" target="_blank">Operation System Platform Console</a>.</span> </li><li class="li step"> <span class="ph cmd">In the left navigation pane, click <span class="ph uicontrol">Overview</span>.</span> </li><li class="li step"> <span class="ph cmd">On the <span class="keyword wintitle">Overview</span> page, you can see relevant statistics and figures of <span class="ph uicontrol">Health Inspection</span>, <span class="ph uicontrol">Task Summary</span>, <span class="ph uicontrol">User Script</span>, <span class="ph uicontrol">Task Management</span>, and <span class="ph uicontrol">Scheduler</span>.</span> </li></ol></section>
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