<section class="section" id="basicfaq__section_fnh_4js_bkb"><h2 class="doc-tairway">Is it possible to operate the Agent of the host?</h2> <p class="p">You can only check the status and information of the Agent via Agent Management, but cannot operate the Agent (for example, install, uninstall, start or stop it).</p> </section> <section class="section" id="basicfaq__section_ctc_qjs_bkb"><h2 class="doc-tairway">What types of scripts are supported?</h2> <p class="p">Shell and PowerShell. Shell script is applied to Linux host, while PowerShell is applied to Windows host.</p> </section> <section class="section" id="basicfaq__section_obd_rjs_bkb"><h2 class="doc-tairway">Is there a limit to the size of the script file uploaded from my computer?</h2> <p class="p">Yes, the size of the file should be less than 30KB.</p> </section> <section class="section" id="basicfaq__section_ip4_sjs_bkb"><h2 class="doc-tairway">Is there a limit to the number and size of the files distributed?</h2> <p class="p">Yes, a maximum of 5 files can be distributed in each batch, and the maximum size of each file is 500M.</p> </section>
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