Other Regions

<p>After purchasing ECS, Internet IP and bandwidth need to be created to log in BMS. The method of creating Internet IP and bandwidth varies in different regions. The article will introduce how to apply Internet IP and bandwidth in South China 1, Hong Kong, North China 1 .</p> <p><strong>Prerequisite</strong></p> <p>1.You have successfully created ECS. Refer to create ECS.</p> <p>2.You have successfully created VPC. Refer to create VPC.</p> <p><strong>Procedure</strong></p> <p><strong>Step 1: Create NAT Gateway</strong></p> <p>1.Log in <a href="#https://pinganyun.com/console/vpc/overview" target="_blank">VPC Console</a>.</p> <p>2.Click <strong>NAT Gateway</strong> in the left navigation pane, entering <strong>NAT Gateway</strong> page.</p> <p>3.Select target region and click <strong>Create</strong> in the top right corner.</p> <p>4.Entering Create NAT Gateway page, select VPC that is the same with ECS Instance, check off specification and input description.</p> <p>5.Click <strong>Purchase</strong>, entering <strong>Order Confirmation</strong> page.</p> <p>6.Click <strong>Confirm Open</strong>, entering <strong>Payment Result</strong> page.&nbsp;</p> <p>7.Click <strong>Console</strong> back to NAT Gateway console page.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> one VPC can create one NAT Gateway at most.</p> <p><strong>Step 2: Create Bandwidth Package</strong></p> <p>1.Entering <strong>NAT Gateway</strong> page, select target region and click the name of target instance.</p> <p>2.Click <strong>Bandwidth Package Management</strong> tab, and click <strong>Create</strong> in the top right corner.</p> <p>3.Entering <strong>Create Bandwidth Package</strong> page, input total amount of bandwidth needed, and select number of Internet IP.</p> <p>4.Click <strong>Purchases</strong>, entering <strong>Order Confirmation</strong> page.</p> <p>5.Click <strong>Confirm Open</strong>, entering <strong>Payment Result</strong> page.</p> <p>6.Click <strong>Console</strong> back to NAT Gateway console page.</p> <p><strong>Note: </strong></p> <p>l&nbsp; It will automatically generate Internet IP after bandwidth is created. Five bandwidth packages are allowed to apply for each NAT Gateway at most and each bandwidth package is allowed to apply five Internet IPs.</p> <p>l&nbsp; It is only charged according to fixed bandwidth. The instance fee for Internet IP is free of charge.</p> <p><strong>Step 3: Internet IP is Bound to ECS</strong></p> <p>1.Entering <strong>NAT Gateway</strong> page, select target region and click the name of target instance.</p> <p>2.Click <strong>DNAT Rule Management</strong> tab, and click <strong>Create</strong> in the top right corner.</p> <p>3.Entering Create DNAT Rule page, select rule type and IP address, select ECS Instance and add Instance, and input description.</p> <p>4.Click <strong>Create</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> one Internet IP cannot be used in DNAT and SNAT at the same time.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong></p> <p>Relevant information can be checked in the rule list after they are created, which shows that Internet IP is successfully bound to ECS.</p>
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