
<p class="shortdesc">The prepaid payment scenario includes the purchase, renew, and upgrade of prepaid products. You need to pay the current order amount in one time.</p> <div class="p">Take a newly purchased product as an example. On the <span class="keyword wintitle">Order Confirmation</span> page, the system will display all the available vouchers according to the order information. You can pay with the appropriate voucher on demand.<ul class="ul" id="use1__ul_uhh_nnw_clb"> <li class="li">Only one voucher can be used for an order. When paying for an order, if more than one voucher is available, you can choose to use one voucher or not to use it.</li> <li class="li">If there is still a balance after you pay for the order with a voucher, the balance can still be used next time only if the voucher is within the validity period.</li> <li class="li">If one voucher is not enough to cover this order, you need to pay the remaining amount with the cash balance of your account. Ensure that your balance is sufficient.</li> <li class="li">You can view the current order paid with vouchers through <span class="ph menucascade"><span class="ph uicontrol">Billing Management</span><abbr title="and then"> > </abbr><span class="ph uicontrol">Transactions</span></span>.</li> </ul><div class="note note note_note"><span class="note__title">Note:</span> <ul class="ul" id="use1__ul_whh_nnw_clb"> <li class="li">If the resource creation fails due to <span class="ph">Ping An Cloud</span>, the voucher will return to your voucher account.</li> <li class="li">For products with automatic renewal, the system will make payment with the vouchers that meet the rules for automatic renewal.</li> <li class="li">When an order has multiple details, the deduction rule of the voucher is as follows: Pay for the order with the largest amount first, and then pay for the order in priority of the amount with the balance of the voucher. If you fail to create an order, all coupons and balances will be returned to your account and the validity of the voucher will be restored.</li> </ul> </div></div> <p class="p"><strong class="ph b">Example</strong></p> <p class="p">User A purchased a monthly cloud host and a cloud disk on the official website of <span class="ph">Ping An Cloud</span>. There are two details of the order, including the could host (CNY 50) and the cloud disk (CNY 20).</p> <p class="p">A has an available voucher with a denomination of 60, which is applicable to all products and the voucher can be used for only once. When A makes a payment with this voucher, the fee is deducted as follows:</p> <ul class="ul" id="use1__ul_flm_w1s_dlb"> <li class="li">Cloud host: Pays CNY 50 with the voucher.</li> <li class="li">Object storage: Pays CNY 10 with the voucher and CNY 10 with cash balance.</li> </ul> <p class="p">If the resource creation fails after successful payment, all vouchers and account balance will return to your account, and the voucher still can be used for only once.</p>
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