
<ul class="ul" id="Limits__ul_rly_bz1_4nb"> <li class="li">Each account (master account or any of its subaccounts) can create and manage only one index in each region (such as East China, South China, and North China).</li> <li class="li">The retention period of logs in each index is shorter than or equal to 30 days. You can set the retention period when you create an index. <ul class="ul" id="Limits__ul_sly_bz1_4nb"> <li class="li">If you enable the archiving feature, Ping An Cloud saves logs for one year and deletes them after one year is reached. To save logs on the storage devices for a longer time, submit a <a class="xref" href="/console/workorder/create" target="_blank">Ticket</a>. </li> <li class="li">If you disable the archiving feature, Ping An Cloud automatically deletes the logs when their retention period expires. </li> </ul></li> </ul>
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