2018-2019 China Value Cloud Enterprise

<p><strong>Ping An Cloud Wins Award of 2018-2019 Value Cloud Enterprise for Providing Best Digital Transformation Solutions for Banks</strong></p> <p>The 2019 China International Conference on Cloud Service Technologies and Application that was held in Hotel Nikko New Century Beijing on March 29 showcased a full range of China&rsquo;s achievements in the application and innovation of cloud computing technologies, which will effectively promote the digital transformation of industries and the construction of digital China, and facilitate &ldquo;Intelligent +&rdquo; empowerment. The conference released The Development Report of China&rsquo;s Cloud Computing Industry 2018-2019 and presented the award of 2018-2019 Value Cloud Enterprise. Ping An Cloud won the award for contributing to the digital transformation in banking.</p> <p><img src="https://obs-cn-shanghai.yun.pingan.com/pcp-portal/20191706115409-17f1cafe980a.png" /></p> <p><strong>Ping An Cloud&rsquo;s Cloud Banking Solution Promotes Digital Transformation in Banking</strong></p> <p>As we approach the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the increasing online and mobile banking services and the increasingly personalized and comprehensive demands of customers have put forward higher requirements for the elastic supply of IT resources and accelerating the deployment of online business, hence the irresistible digital transformation trend in banking. At the same time, the changes of external environment, such as the slowdown in economic growth, the regulatory reform and the intensified inter-bank competition caused by interest rate liberalization, have also driven the demand of banks for digital transformation. &ldquo;Under the &lsquo;new normal&rsquo; of changed external environment and internal demands, the banking industry is faced with more complex opportunities and challenges, and digital transformation is undoubtedly the best solution for the banking industry to optimize business and improve customer experience,&rdquo; said Wu Xiaoxuan, Director of the Strategy and Business Management Office of Ping An Cloud, at the Forum on Enterprise Cloud Migration for Digital Transformation.</p> <p><img src="https://obs-cn-shanghai.yun.pingan.com/pcp-portal/20191706115424-1ea8c1bd91e9.png" /></p> <p>As the only cloud service provider in China with rich practical experience in financial cloud migration, Ping An Cloud has completed the cloud migration of more than 80% of Ping An Group&rsquo;s business system, consolidating the cloud computing foundation for the rapid development of the company in the future and providing a new driving force for the digital transformation of the entire banking industry. Relying on the 30-year experience of Ping An Group in the financial industry, Ping An Cloud has used world leading blockchain and cloud technologies to develop comprehensive solutions such as industry-wide customized solution, cloud banking solution, and core transformation solution for traditional banks, thereby deeply engaging in the digital transformation of banks.</p> <p>Based on the technology service platform for the whole financial industry chain, Ping An Cloud&rsquo;s cloud banking solution connects internet tools such as lakala, WeChat, and Alipay, and has thoroughly subverted the traditional banking process models through the digital management of businesses across the whole process from smart marketing, smart risk control and smart products to precision management. The solution has helped banks make significant improvements in simplifying business process, optimizing financial business, satisfying customer demands, and enhancing customer experience.</p> <p><strong>Ping An Cloud&rsquo;s Three Differentiation Advantages Empower Digital Innovation of Banks </strong></p> <p>The great achievements made by Ping An Cloud in the digital transformation in banking rely on its core advantages such as the highest-level security compliance ensured by more than 300 security indicators, one-click deployment within 150 seconds and over 500 patent applications. Ping An Cloud&rsquo;s three major differentiation advantages in terms of the basic IaaS layer, the general PaaS layer, and the SaaS layer for five ecosystems have been highly recognized by 150,000 partners.</p> <p>Ping An Cloud has built a multi-level security compliance system, which ensures the security of banks after cloud migration through platform architecture, industry regulation, ecological construction and cloud insurance hedging. In addition, as the only cloud service provider in China with 5-year experience in financial cloud migration, Ping An Cloud has extensive experience in the innovation and application of cloud technologies. The improved &ldquo;four horizontal and four vertical&rdquo; disaster recovery systems and the efficient &ldquo;Cloud + Fog + End&rdquo; operation architecture of Ping An Cloud can fundamentally ensure the end-to-end stability and efficiency of banks&rsquo; cloud migration.</p> <p><img src="https://obs-cn-shanghai.yun.pingan.com/pcp-portal/20191706115521-155a16bc9feb.png" /></p> <p>Under the background of global digitalization, digital transformation has become an important approach to enhancing banks&rsquo; vitality and competitiveness. As a response to the trend, Ping An Cloud has been advancing the digital innovation in banking with its three differentiation advantages, and has created industry-leading digital solutions to guide the digital transformation in banking. In the future, Ping An Cloud will remain committed to the innovation and application of cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing to facilitate the application of cloud computing in more industries and promote the construction of digital China.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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