How to Use

<p class="shortdesc"></p> <p class="p">This chapter describes how to use MQ. You can quickly experience the process from creating resources to sending and receiving messages by using the SDK, which helps you quickly get started with MQ.</p> <p class="p">The following figure describes the specific process:</p> <img class="image" id="how_to_use__image_br1_2rg_2mb" src="" width="250"> <ol class="ol" id="how_to_use__ol_jpl_frg_2mb"> <li class="li"><strong class="ph b">Create topic</strong>—Create topic in the console.</li> <li class="li">Apply for<strong class="ph b">Publishing/</strong><strong class="ph b">Subscription</strong>—Apply for publishing and subscription in the console.</li> <li class="li"><strong class="ph b">Send messages with SDK</strong>—Integrate the SDK into the project and complete the code for sending the message.</li> <li class="li"><strong class="ph b">Consume messages with SDK</strong>—Integrate the SDK into the project and complete the code for consuming the message.</li> </ol>
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