Disable Keys

<p class="shortdesc">You can disable specified customer master keys (CMKs) to protect data in an emergency. </p> <section class="section prereq" id="disbalekey__prereq_mld_tt5_jlb"><div class="tasklabel"><h2 class="doc-tairway">Before you begin</h2></div> <ol class="ol" id="disbalekey__ol_gv1_5t5_jlb"> <li class="li">You have created a CMK. For more information, see <a class="xref" href="https://pinganyun.com/ssr/help/manage/kms/Guide.Create" target="_blank">Create Keys</a>. </li> <li class="li">The CMK to be disabled is in the <span class="ph uicontrol">ENABLE </span>status. </li> </ol> </section> <section class="section context"><div class="tasklabel"><h2 class="doc-tairway">About this task</h2></div> <p class="p">If you successfully created a CMK, it is in the <strong class="ph b">ENABLE</strong> status by default. You can disable a CMK that is temporarily not in use according to your needs. You cannot encrypt and decrypt data with a disabled CMK unless it is re-enabled. </p> <p class="p">Apart from disabling keys, you can also delete keys that are no longer in use. For more information, see <a class="xref" href="https://pinganyun.com/ssr/help/manage/kms/oguaid.mgtkey.plandel" target="_blank">Schedule Key Deletion</a>. </p> <div class="note important note_important"><span class="note__title">Important:</span> <p class="p">You are charged for a disabled key. Only when the key is in the PENDING_DELETE status after you schedule key deletion will the billing stop. </p> </div> </section> <section id="disbalekey__steps_ad5_xs5_jlb"><div class="tasklabel"><h2 class="doc-tairway">Procedure</h2></div><ol class="ol steps" id="disbalekey__steps_ad5_xs5_jlb"><li class="li step stepexpand"> <span class="ph cmd">Log in to the <a class="xref" href="https://pinganyun.com/console/kms" target="_blank">Key Management Service Console </a>. </span> </li><li class="li step stepexpand"> <span class="ph cmd">In the left navigation pane, click <span class="ph menucascade"><span class="ph uicontrol">Keys </span><abbr title="and then"> > </abbr><span class="ph uicontrol">Customer managed keys</span></span>. </span> </li><li class="li step stepexpand"> <span class="ph cmd">On the <span class="keyword wintitle">Customer management key </span>page, find the ID of the key to be disabled. Click <span class="ph uicontrol">Disable Key </span>in the Actions <strong class="ph b"></strong>column. </span> <div class="itemgroup info"> <img class="image" id="disbalekey__image_a1g_bhv_jlb" src="https://obs-cn-shanghai.yun.pingan.com/pcp-portal/20200807112323-19cd372591e0.png" width="750"> </div> </li></ol></section> <section class="section result" id="disbalekey__result_nxg_dhv_jlb"><div class="tasklabel"><h2 class="doc-tairway">Results</h2></div> <p class="p">You will see a <span class="ph uicontrol">SUCCESS </span>message. The clickable button turns from <span class="ph uicontrol">Disable Key </span>to <span class="ph uicontrol">Enable Key</span>. Click <span class="ph uicontrol">Enable Key </span>if you want to re-enable the key. </p> </section>
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