Value Proposition

Efficient and accurate delivery service

World leading mail delivery engine technology, strict sending channel management, high delivery rate, high access rate, and a daily send limit of millions, A/B Test

Perfect customer management

Template management mode, spam mail control, subscription management, and management of blacklist and whitelist

Intuitive statement analysis

Multi-dimension real-time feedback, exclusive analysis report and mail hotspot analysis chart

Stable platform service

Provide a secure and reliable mail investment environment, stable operation platform, 24/7 uninterrupted real-time service, and professional consultant team

Use Cases

Service notification mail

Electronic billing, policy notification, electronic invoice, notice letter, operation guidance and annual report.

Product promotion mail

Recommendation of new products, promotion of products, and campaigns with rewards.

Success Stories


Tariff and Pricing

Professional edition

Large attachments, custom template

Standard edition

0.02 /piece

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