Value Proposition

Simple Configuration

Users can quickly deploy DNAT and internet connections through the console to meet the needs of different computing instances for accessing the internet.

Secure Access

The system will automatically issue firewall security rules in accordance with all access rules in the public network gateway.

Ultra-low Cost

You can apply for IP bandwidth according to your business needs, with flexible ways of charging methods.

Highly Reliable Deployment

Provide highly reliable deployment in multiple Availability Zones to ensure stable operation of gateway functions.

Use Cases

Internet Client’s Access to Cloud Servers

  • Tenants use ECS instances to build cloud server clusters as internet servers to provide application services for internet clients. Associate Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) with ECS instances, purchase the public IP address in IGW instances, and use DNAT services to map the public IP address onto the service IP address of ELB instances, enabling internet clients to access the server cluster inside the cloud through IGW instances.
  • Recommend to use with: Web Application Firewall Situation Awareness

Internet Client’s Access to Internet Services outside the Cloud

  • When using ECS instances as an internet client’s access to other internet services outside the cloud, use the “internet connection” function to bind a specific public IP address to ECS instances. ECS instances will get an additional NIC (network interface card) with a public IP address. For IGW, we have configured a security policy for this public IP address to ensure that ECS instances are securely connected to the internet.
  • Recommend to use with: Web Application Firewall Situation Awareness

Success Stories

Tariff and Pricing

IGW GateWay

0.5 Instance/hour

Hourly charging

DNAT Public Network IP

0.02 Mbps/hour

Charging by public network bandwidth and hour

ECS Internet IP

0.02 Mbps/hour

Charging by public network bandwidth and hour

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