Value Proposition

Minute-level Dial Testing Cycle

Enable you to know users’ experience in accessing your business in a finer-grained and more precise manner, and quickly respond to exceptions with solutions.

Real-time Comprehensive Network Monitoring

Real-time monitoring of network latency, packet loss, and hijacks to ensure the best business performance.

Competitive Product Monitoring Analysis Report

Analyze and compare the monitoring data of competitive products to timely adjust and optimize your own products, thus maintaining competitive edge.

Diverse Monitoring Indicators

he indicators include total page access time, DNS elapsed time, connection establishment time, SSL elapsed time, first package time, and download time.

Use Cases

Internet Applications

For internet applications, we provide a unified deployment and monitoring service. With nodes located nationwide, we provide regional access status, present and analyze application access status in personalized ways, and make key indicators and bottlenecks easier to locate.

Intranet Application

For intranet applications, we need to deploy nodes in the same environment of intranet applications. Except for common functionalities, we also provide customized, personalized and private development services.

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