Value Proposition

Compatible with Multiple Terminals

It is able to collect access data from real users and performance data from PC browsers, Hybird APP, HTML and HTML5 pages in WeChat.

Multi-dimensional Analysis

It is able to choose suitable entry points from five dimensions including geographical location, domain name, carrier, operating system and browser type to compare and analyze data, in order to satisfy diverse statistical demands.

Slow Page Tracking

It snapshots slow pages as per the threshold configuration defined by users and provides diverse indicators that cover network processing time of every page element.

Real-time Monitoring and Control

It collects the data of real users in real time and continuously receives sample data. The smallest data collection cycle is 1 minute. It sends out alerts as per the configured threshold by users and provides real-time insights of HTML5 page performance.

Success Stories


  • It monitors web page performance by using embedded JS codes and sends data back to the browser testing platform with agent probe.
  • Users can gain page information from data computing, performance trend graph and analysis and computing of sequence diagram.
  • Snapshot of slow pages restores access process and resources distribution; precisely locates problems to deeper layers and helps users to detect problems quickly.

  • For asynchronous calls in the page, it is able to monitor the requests’ response download time, callback time, amount of sent and received data and optimize response experience accordingly.
  • Users can locate root causes of page problems to quickly address problems and restore page performance.

  • It supports multi-indicators and multi-dimensional comprehensive relationship analysis, locates people and businesses being unable to access website and conducts in-depth analysis of such people and businesses in an effort to improve user’s overall satisfaction.
  • The system is able to locate page performance bottlenecks from dimensions such as geographical location, domain name, browser, carrier and operating system, as well as with indicators such as overall performance, page rendering, HTML loading, internet latency, connection establishment and TTFB, etc.
  • It monitors acceleration effects by using CDN in pages, immediately understands service qualities of different CDN suppliers and quickly screens less satisfactory coverage by their regional carriers.

  • It supports AJAX request error analysis and JS code execution error analysis, quickly locates problems through comprehensive analysis of multiple dimensional indicators, and uses detailed snapshot and stack information to facilitate detection.
  • It captures snapshot information of slow page access, slow AJAX calls, AJAX request error and JS script execution error, restores access process and makes troubleshooting more intuitional.

Tariff and Pricing

Standard Version


Professional Version

3,000 /month

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