General Questions

<p><strong>What is the difference between IGW and NAT gateway?</strong></p> <p>IGW is an Internet connection service provided by Ping An Cloud for users in East China region, and Internet connections are realized through NAT gateway in regions other than East China region. IGW combines the DNAT function with the policy function.</p> <p><strong>How many Internet Gateways can I create?</strong></p> <p>One VPC can create only one Internet gateway.</p> <p><strong>What kinds of public network access modes are supported by Internet Gateway?</strong></p> <p>Internet gateway supports three public network access modes, including ECS IP mapping, DNAT IP mapping, and DNAT port mapping.</p> <p><strong>What are differences between the three public network access modes?</strong></p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;<strong>ECS</strong>&mdash;Allocates an Internet IP to a cloud host instance and configures security policies for the IP address on the IGW to realize interconnection between the cloud host and the Internet.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;<strong>DNAT IP mapping</strong>&mdash;Provides active and passive access to the public network, which can be initiated by the cloud host in the VPC, or be initiated by the public network client. However, this method cannot save the IP address of public network.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;<strong>DNAT</strong> <strong>port mapping</strong>&mdash;Initiated by an external address, and is mainly used for external publishing of intranet services. It provides only passive access to the public network, and cannot initiate active access to the public network.</p> <p><strong>Does the bandwidth of the Internet IP have size limits?</strong></p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;The maximum bandwidth of the Internet IP of the DNAT is 199 Mbps.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;The maximum bandwidth of the Internet IP of the ECS is 20 Mbps.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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