Create DNAT Rules

<p>1.&nbsp;Log in to <a href="" target="_blank">IGW Console</a>.</p> <p>2. In the left navigation pane, click <strong>IGW</strong> to enter the <strong>IGW </strong>page.</p> <p>3.&nbsp;Click <strong>Name</strong> of the target IGW to enter the <strong>IGW Information</strong> page.</p> <p>4.&nbsp;On the <strong>DNAT SERVICE</strong> tab, click <strong>Create</strong> in the upper-right corner of the <strong>DNAT Rules</strong> area to open the <strong>Create DNAT Rules</strong> dialog box.</p> <p><img src="" style="height:615px; width:830px" /></p> <p>5.&nbsp;Create DNAT Rules based on the following information.</p> <p><img src="" style="height:656px; width:748px" /></p> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:0px"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:166px"> <p><strong>Configuration Item</strong></p> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top; width:615px"> <p><strong>Description</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:166px"> <p>Mapping Type</p> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top; width:615px"> <p>There are two options, including <strong>IP Mapping</strong> and <strong>Port Mapping</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong></p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;When only a small number of fixed ports are required to provide services, you can use the port mapping to maximize the use of a single Internet IP.</p> <p>&bull;&nbsp;When the ports required are not fixed or a large number of ports are required, you can use the IP mapping. Such an intranet instance needs an Internet IP.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:166px"> <p>Type of AZ</p> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top; width:615px"> <p>Select the availability zone.</p> <p>Note: The available zone selected must be consistent with that of the Internet IP and the intranet IP (classic ELB).</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:166px"> <p>Protocol Type</p> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top; width:615px"> <p>TCP.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:166px"> <p>Internet IP</p> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top; width:615px"> <p>Choose an Internet IP.</p> <p><img src="" style="height:20px; margin:1px; width:50px" />: The Internet IP selected here is the DNAT Internet IP applied by the user.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:166px"> <p>Internet Port Number</p> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top; width:615px"> <p>If DNAT rules type is port mapping, enter port number.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:166px"> <p>Intranet IP</p> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top; width:615px"> <p>Perform the following operations to choose a classic ELB IP as the intranet IP:</p> <p>1. Click <strong>Choose LB Instance </strong>to open<strong> </strong>the <strong>Choose LB Instance</strong> dialog box.</p> <p><img src="" style="height:20px; margin:1px; width:50px" />: Classic ELB instances in the DMZ network domain in the VPC where the Internet gateway is located are listed in the dialog box.</p> <p>2.&nbsp;Check the ELB instance that needs to connect to the Internet and click <strong>Confirm</strong>.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:166px"> <p>Port Range</p> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top; width:615px"> <p>If DNAT rules type is port mapping, enter the port range of the ELB instance.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>6.&nbsp;Click <strong>Confirm</strong>, and &ldquo;<strong>Operation succeeded</strong>&rdquo; will appear at the bottom of the page.</p>
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